Thursday 18 August 2016


Hello everyone who may be reading this, Michelle here!

I am wanting to change what this blog is... already. I know I've made one post and it was only an intro but I don't want to do just reviews. I think that could get boring so instead I want to do a mix! Reviews, recommendations, random book tags, and just book stuff in general.

I figured it would be a good idea to do before anyone, if anyone, ever is going to be really looking at this. So in my last post I said I would have a review soon, I don't because I just didn't get around to it. Good work Michelle!

Also I'm going to go by Michelle and not Elle. I don't know how I feel about just Elle. Stay tuned to see if it'll change again.

Until the next chapter of this blog, have a fantastic morning, afternoon, evening and night!

Remember to follow my social media!
Twitter: @michelleidk_
Person Instagram: @michelle_ransom
Bookstagram: @bookswithmichelle
Snapchat: michelleransom

Saturday 13 August 2016


Hello everyone!!

I'd like to welcome you to my new book blog! I'm very excited to be starting this blog and I hope you are too. I previously had a bookstagram but I did not keep up with it due to school and my own laziness. But I am starting fresh and will for sure (I hope) keep up with this!

I am going to update my about me soon but if anyone is reading this before I do (wow you're fast), I'll give you some details.

My name is Michelle, but like my blogs name, you can call me Elle. I'm 18 years old living in Toronto, Canada. I enjoy reading (obviously), watching movies, listening to music and exploring. I also love Tom Hanks and Anne of Green Gables.

I'm not sure what else to say currently. I am going to work on a review soon of a book that I just finished so that will be fun! Talk to you soon.

Social Media:
Twitter: @michelleidk_
Person Instagram: @michelle_ransom
Bookstagram: @bookswithmichelle
Snapchat: michelleransom